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Too Many Non-Citizens are Registered to Vote in Virginia

Thomas Kasperek

by Roxanna Gray


Your vote and the votes of thousands of other legitimate voters could be cancelled out by non-U.S. citizen voters.  The Department of Elections must remove non-U.S. citizen registered voters from the voter list before the November election.  

No valid proof of U.S. citizenship is required before a person is allowed to register to vote in Virginia.  Registered voters simply attest that they are a U.S. citizen. 

Over 10 million non-citizens have entered the United States in the last few years.  Voter registration forms are distributed at the border by federal and state agencies that offer benefits.   Mass voter registration forms are mailed by third party organizations.  Non-citizens are encouraged to vote illegally.  Virginia U.S. citizens want to know that their votes count and that those votes are not being cancelled by ineligible voters.  

According to the Center for Immigration Studies,  Virginia has 5 jurisdictions in Virginia (Albemarle, Alexandria, Arlington, Chesterfield and Fairfax County) that have passed resolutions that support sanctuary policies.  See   The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) ranks Virginia 10th in the country in the number of illegal residents.  See  Those numbers are likely very much higher now.

In the last 10 years, the Department of Elections has removed only 11,401 potential non-citizens who did not affirm their U.S. citizenship, per the Department’s annual list maintenance reports Virginia Dept. of Elections: Voter Registration List Maintenance.   This is a fraction of the number of non-citizens registered.


EPEC, Electoral Process Education Corporation, reviewed 2,031 voter records, data provided by the Department of Elections.  Using the cancelled “Determined Non-Citizen” reason to identify them, they found that 438 (20%) had voted at least once.  This information was sent to the Virginia Attorney General Miyares’ office.  Miyares’ office has not responded.  See Non-citizen registrations with previous voting history in VA election data – update July 2024 – Digital Poll Watchers (dot) Org


Governor Little of Idaho recently signed Executive Order 2024-07 which puts procedures in place to validate voter registrations and prevent non-citizens from voting. 

Governor Youngkin signed Executive Order 31 EO-31-Establishment-of-Multi-Agency-Data-Sharing-Protocols-Regarding-Voter-List-Maintenance.pdf ( separate executive order is needed to specifically address non-citizens registering to vote and voting. 


Currently, the Department of Elections relies only on information from the Department of Motor Vehicles to identify non-U.S. citizens.  Very few non-citizens have been removed from the voter list in the last 10 years.   Some non-citizens registering and/or voting means that immediate action is needed to stop it.



The Department of Elections must work with all state and federal agencies to identify non-citizens and remove them from the voter list before the November election.   Signs must be posted at election sites and public announcements made stating that non-citizens may not vote in Virginia, including the penalty for doing so.  Election fraud crime is punishable under Virginia law as a felony.  Violators may be sentenced up to 10 years in prison or up to 12 months in jail and/or fined up to $2,500.   People who are facilitating election fraud should also be prosecuted. 

Take Action Now! 

Please encourage Governor Youngkin to sign an Executive Order with strong policies and procedures to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote and voting.  Ask Virginia Attorney General Miyares, to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of election fraud.

Roxanna Gray

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